The Bess Reality is a dystopian reality controlled by the unstoppable omni-potent ruler known as Bess.
It is the polar opposite of the Kevin Reality. As it's an entirely different reality as opposed to a new dimension or universe, the laws of the Kevin Reality do not apply here.
It's stated that the Bess Reality is such a fuckfest shitbitch that it transcends what the human mind can conjure up or even comprehend. It provides nothing but perverted torment for (almost) all of
its inhabitants. It is unknown how anyone or anything ends up here, but nothing in the reality can ever leave. Nothing can permanently die, nothing can stay destroyed.
It's just the way it is.
The Bess Reality is home to various Entities that differ from the standard Bess Citizen in various ways. They range from being able to challenge Bess himself
to being so weak and useless it's a mystery why they even exist. Like that stupid fucking Clown, a stark contrast to the notorious List Fucker.
Entities and their related information and stories are the main of the Bess Reality page, as they let you get the best glimpse of the horrible demented dystopia that Bess controls.
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